Анкета за књижевне преводиоце – О вештачкој интелигеницији

Анкета за књижевне преводиоце – О вештачкој интелигеницији

ЦЕАТЛ позива књижевне преводиоце да попуне анкету. Линк за анкету је на крају текста.

CEATL AI survey for literary translators

These last months, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the subject of major interest and concern for literary translators (and others). CEATL is conducting a short survey to see how the use of AI technology has impacted the daily work of literary translators in the countries of our member associations. The results will help us to get a better picture of where we are and what needs to be done, which will help the work of CEATL greatly.

Please help us by filling out the following survey by November 14.

Your contribution is much appreciated!

CEATL working group on Working Conditions

CEATL AI survey for literary translators (google.com)

Календар догађаја